March 27
Country Music
Lyrics Day
I’ve been washed down
the sink of your conscience.
In the theater of your love
I lost my part.
And now you say you’ve
got me out of your conscience.
I’ve been flushed from
the bathroom of your heart.
~ Johnny Cash
Pretty wacky, Johnny! Just one of a million quirky country lyrics out there!! If only the cowboy boots (to the right) weren’t so god-awful ugly, I’d get a pair.
Happy birthday to Quentin Tarantino (1963), Gloria Swanson (1899), Mariah Carey (1970), Buster Posey (1987), and Sarah Vaughn (1924). From this group, I’d pick Quentin for a dinner hook up. I bet he’s a hoot to talk to. How about you? Whom would you pick
It is Ocean Week and it’s really got me thinking about a trip to Hawaii. There’s nothing better, in my mind, than day after day, on the beach and in the ocean, in the company of people I love, food I love, and books I love. If I could bring my cats and if they would like it, then Hawaii would be perfect!
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley. Today we celebrate the humble scissor on our monthly calendar.