March 28
Old Stump Day
Friendship is
a sheltering tree.
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I found this great Stump Smiley walking in the rain forest in Hawaii. I may have mentioned (a zillion times) that I love Hawaii.
Today is Lady Gaga‘s Birthday. Check out what she has to say about being yourself. Lady Gaga is featured over on a Month of Smiley Silliness. There you’ll find all different Smileys, holidays and quotes. We also say happy birthday to Reba McEntire (1955) today. Today I can’t decide which birthday person I’d like to dine with. They are both so interesting. So, table for 3, please.
Today is also Food on a Stick Day. I searched my archive for a Smiley photos from a popsicle or corn dog. The best I could come up with was a couple of cocktail onions on a toothpick. If you have a Food on a Stick Smiley post it and I’ll use it next March 28.
One more birthday of sorts falls on this day. Twenty three years ago, people laughed when I said I was going to have a preschool where you only came when you wanted and only paid when you came. Tot Drop is PRESCHOOL ON DEMAND–kids come for as little as an hour, or as much as four. They can drop in or call ahead. Appointments are scheduled in 15 minute increments, pay as you go. They can come intermittently or on an ongoing schedule. Siblings attend to gather. Diapers=OK. Blankies=OK. Pacifiers=OK. Parent needs to hang out to help the child ease into a new situation=OK. It’s the kinder, gentler approach to separation and early schooling. Thank you for letting me love your kids these last 23 years. Thank you for loving me. May the years to come be a joyous as the first have been!

A banner from a few years back when we celebrated 20 years of TOT DROP fun.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.