March 29
Unplug Day
Computer Joke:
Four fonts walk into a bar.
The bartender says
“Hey – get out!
We don’t want your type in here.”
Just for grins you get a different Computer Smiley and a different Computer Joke in today’s Smiley-a-Day emailer.
Over on a Month of Smiley Silliness we celebrate Backpack Smiley. Wait wasn’t that earlier this month?
It is also Mom and Pop Laziness Day. Sounds good to me. All parents need a bit more rest than they usually get! Get the rest; it’ll make you a happy and you’ll be a better parent.
Today we say happy birthday to Eric Idle (1943). Thank you for all the laughs. I know you have brought so much joy to so many of my generation. If you do not know who Eric Idle is, you’ll be smiling from ear to ear if you hop over to YouTube and check him out. Here’s a sample: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. It’s a good message, yes?
Today’s other birthday of note is Amy Seders (1961). Oy Vey! How can I pick between Eric and Amy? Since the daily dinner companion fantasy is after all fantasy, I’ll simply fantasize about dining with them both.
Here’s a repeat. It was also Niagra Falls Day back on the 20th. If you missed out the Smiley in a Snow Bank on the Niagra falls video you get a second chance today. It starts out looking grim, but ends happily–probably because of the Smiley Face in the snow bank watching over everyone and sending out good vibes!
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley.