May 12
Bike Day
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance,
you must keep moving.
I thought of that while riding my bicycle.
~ Albert Einstein
Blurry Bike Butt Smiley
There’s a chance that I took this photo
while driving, but I’m admitting nothing.
Let’s all pause to be thankful for the flush toilet, patented this day in 1857. Imagine having no toilet!! It’s right up there with the hot water heater on my list of things for which I am grateful.
I’ve already done my duty for Hug Your Cat Day. I actually celebrate this one everyday, just in case . . and ’cause they’re so lovable. Soon we’ll be saying bye-bye to our old guy, Mr. Noodle. Every day he’s still here for hugs, is a good day.
Today we say happy birthday to Florence Nightengale (1820), Kathryn Hepburn (1907), Tony Hawk (1968), Emilio Esteves (1962), and George Carlin (1937). Fantasy dinner companions? I would love to have had the chance to sit down with either Kathryn or George.
Today is also Beam Me Up Scotty Day. Check out all the silly Smileys and accompanying quotes over at a Month of Smiley Silliness. There you’ll see Beam Smiley in Scotty’s honor. Poor guy. He always looked so stressed out. Hey Scotty, have you tried meditating?
It’s also Ocean Day (again) and Migratory Bird Day. Here are posts in honor of the former and the latter.
Plus, as is often the case, the Bike Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.