May 31
Macaroon Day
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Dee who?
Dee-licious Cookie.
Forgive me…no macaroon quotes to be found.
It’s also What You Think Upon Becomes Your Life Day. Hey, that’s what my talk about happiness was all about! I think I’ll think about hammocks and cats and sunshine and cookies and family and friends and sourdough toast and raspberries and NPR and my great job and, and, and. This reminds me how great it is to have a Giant List of things that MMS (MakeMeSmile).
Here’s one that MMS, it’s also World No Tobacco Day and Save Your Hearing Day. Wouldn’t it make more sense for it to be Save Your Lungs Day?! Funny, it’s also Hug Your Cat Day. As allergic as I am to cats I’d be saving my poor lungs if I hugged my sweet cats a lot less. But, life is too short not to hug cats.
Today we say happy birthday to Walt Whitman (1819), Colin Farrell (1976), and Brooke Shields (1965). Good eggs, all.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley, there we celebrate Protect Your Hearing Day.