March 1
Wear Blue Day
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
~Neil Armstrong
It’s also World Compliment Day on the Month of Smiley Silliness. HAVE YOU BEEN A COMPLIMENTER TODAY? It’s never too late! Go tell someone something complimentary! Go on!! I’m optimistic that you will–it being the start of International Optimism Week.
As a peanut lover I am 100% on board for Peanut Day! Hardly a day goes by when I don’t toss back a handful of peanuts. My kid Darren makes the best peanut butter cookies ever. I’d compliment the chef, but all my babies have flown the nest.
Additionally, it’s Beer Lovers Day. Do you imagine there are more peanut lovers or beer lovers in the world? if you could only have one or the other for the rest of your life which would you pick? That’s an easy one for me, I’d pick peanuts!
Happy birthday Opie, aka Ron Howard, born this day in 1954. Ron shares his birthday with Harry Belafonte (1927) and Roger Daltry (1944). Now that’s make a great group for a dinner party.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.