July 17
Fry an Egg on the
Sidewalk Day
Our battered suitcases were piled
on the sidewalk again;
we had longer ways to go.
But no matter, the road is life.
On this day in history, in Anaheim California, Disneyland opened it’s doors for the first time (1955). I wonder if Art Linkletter (born 1912) went there that day to celebrate his 43rd birthday. Other birthdays for today are Phyllis Diller (1917), Diahann Carroll (1935), and Mark Burnett (1960).
How’s about we all have a dish of peach ice cream in celebration…because you guessed it It’s Peach Ice Cream Day.
Happy start of Ventriloquist Week. Perhaps you think you aren’t a fan of the skill. Take a look at a video of Nina Conti. I bet you laugh and laugh!
Over on a calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness you’ll fine Plug Smiley for Unplugged Day. I first saw this yellow Smiley at a concert. I snapped a picture with my phone, but in low light, it turned out pretty crappy. I asked a stagehand if she knew where it came from. She said she thought it was from Home Depot. So, of course, the next day I had to take a field trip to do a photo shoot and get a better shot! The Plug Smiley also appears on the cover of A SMILEY BOOK OF COLORS.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Sidewalk Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.