July 19
Take a Motorcycle
Ride Day
Four wheels move the body.
Two wheels move the soul.
Today is Hug Your Kid Day. I’m not sure that sounds quite right. Isn’t it Hug Your Kid Day everyday?
Baseball fans will enjoy remembering Triple Play Day. The first ever triple play occurred this day in 1909. They are quite rare, but we actually had one a couple years back on July 1 by Cleveland.
To those partial to cocktails, raise your glass, for Daiquiri Day. Not too fast; you don’t want to get a brain freeze.
It is both Stick Out Your Tongue Day and Make New Friends Day. Is that how it works?
Today we say happy birthday to Edgar Degas (1834) the amazing painter. His pictures of dancers are a delight.
Plus as is often the case, just for grins, you get a different Motorcycle Smiley in the Smiley-a-Day emailer.