October 19
Pipe Fitters Day
No matter how carefully
you plan your goal
they will never be more
than pipe dreams
unless you pursue them with gusto.
~ W. Clement Stone
Today you get 2 Pipe Smileys.
It’s also the first day of Garbage Workers Day over on a month full of Smiley Silliness. Pipe Fitters and Garbage Workers deserve a day to celebrate their hard work.
It’s also Evaluate Your Life Day If you’re a woman over 40, one evaluation you should definitely make without fail, is your yearly mammogram. I bring this up because it is Mammogram Day and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Don’t forget that it’s Eat Lots of Cookies Month. The months more than half over so you’d better get to it.
John Lithgow was born this day in 1945. I sure like him. He once said, “Take care, be kind, be considerate of other people and other species, and be loving” and I agree. Happy birthday, John.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.