November 27
Day of Anticipation
When I was little
I always thought
I was marked out, special,
on the verge
of something momentous.
I used to tingle with anticipation.
~Felicity Kendal
It’s also Turtle Adoption Day. Yes, you read that right. You have my permission to skip that one. I’m going to. Of course my daughter Hillary will probably adopt at least one–she’s a reptile loving girl.
During this weekend of thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Washing Machine–patent filed on this day 1894. Oy vey. Imagine washing your clothes by hand!
Today we are reminded that anticipation is just one way we can get enjoyment out of an experience. Every spring I anticipate the arrivals of the Acacia blooms, thus today’s Acacia Smiley. I anticipate the tree along our driveway, bursting out is plumes of yellow. Enjoy the anticipation. Enjoy the experience. Enjoy the memory.
It’s also Pin and Needles Day. Now there’s a good sister to Anticipation Day.
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Listening Day. Hey didn’t we have that one just a couple days back? You’d know the answer if you’ve been . . . listening. BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley.
Additionally, it is Pie in the Face Day. My dad thought this was the funniest thing ever. On his 60th birthday I staged a pie fight in his honor. It was so much fun. Starting when I was in college and continuing until his death, I was his secret Pie Pal. I sent newspaper clippings and cartoons about pie throwing. When a movie I knew had a pie fight was going to be broadcast, I’d have someone (couldn’t me me since my identity was a secret) call my dad and instruct him to turn on the TV at just the right time. When friends traveled, I’d give them pie stuff to mail from foreign locales. I was sad he died without knowing it was me; he would have gotten such a kick knowing.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.