May 19
Neighbor Day
Through our own
recovered innocence,
we discern the innocence
of our neighbors.
~ Henry David Thoreau
Believing your neighbor is as innocent, as vulnerable, as conflicted, as challenged, and as hopeful as you are, can set you free. Living in a place of judgement stifles your joy, not theirs.
~ Ruth Kaiser, The Smiley Lady
It’ll be Neighbor Day again in on the 23rd. Not a bad thing that Neighbor Day happens so often. By the way, Today’s House Smiley will be permanently on display at the Kentucky Science Museum.
It’s Chuck Your TO DO List Day on a month full of Smiley Silliness. I’m on board. To Do Lists can help, but they can also make you feel overwhelmed and unequal to the challenge. I often handle mine by crossing off things I haven’t done and know I’ll never get to. It’s quite freeing.
Today we say happy birthday to Grace Jones (1948), Pete Townshend (1945), and Joey Ramone (1951). One of these rockers said that one of the other birthday celebrants was their idol. Can you guess who said whom? That’d by Joey who idolized Pete. Bet he must have loved having the same birthday as his idol! Fun, huh? Now here’s a day when my imaginary dinner party would be so much fun!
Plus, as is often the case, the House Smiley you get in the Smiley-a-Day emailer is different from what you see here.