May 20
Telescope Day
The soul without imagination
is what an observatory would be
without a telescope.
~ Henry Ward Beecher
Today is also Millionaire Day. Not quite sure what that means. Do we all aspire to be millionaires or sit back and watch those who are? Yuck.
So here are some millionaires associated with today. In 1873 Levi Stauss patented his riveted jeans we all love. Then there’s Charles Lindberg who began his transatlantic flight on this day in 1927. And what the heck, the Hubble Telescope, seen here in today’s Smiley, surely cost millions and millions.
Check out all the silly holidays and Smiley pics over on a month of Smiley Silliness. There it’s Pick Strawberries Day. Finding Strawberry Smileys is so easy, I’ve posted a different one here than the one on the monthly calendar.
Today we say happy birthday to Jimmy Stewart (1908), Cher (1946) and, Kevin Frazier (1964). Kevin is a great guy. I’ve met him several times. He’s always delightful–even got him to jump with me! To date, Jerry Mathers is the only star to say no to my request to jump.
BTW, the Smileys and holidays on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see here on the website’s Daily Smiley.