June 5
Donut Day
Some people might say
you’re a little cookie,
but donut believe it!
Yep, had trouble finding
a quote about donuts.
A joke is a good stand in.
Supposedly it’s the birthday of the donut. I wasn’t able to vet that fact; mama donut didn’t get back to me. I should have asked my pal (and Internet Talk Show Host) Paolo Presta, the king of all donut lovers!! BTW, today’s Smiley is in the glaze left behind on the tray above the donut.
Not into donuts? Want something a little healthier? Then there’s also Apple Sauce Day and Frozen Yogurt Day. Or has anyone tried Faux-nuts, the not fried donut? If they’re as lame as the not fried potato chips, I’ll pass.

Potato Chip Smiley
It’s also Buckle Up Day. You whippersnapers might find it hard to believe but when I was a kid, no seat belts! No baby carseats! What I find hard to believe is that some people refuse to wear seat belts. I have one friend who won’t and so I won’t let him ride in my car.
Hey, Bill Moyer, happy birthday! I’ve always enjoyed Bill’s news stories.