January 10
House Plant Day
A tree is known by its fruit;
a man by his deeds.
A good deed is never lost;
he who sows courtesy
reaps friendship,
and he who plants kindness
gathers love.
~ Saint Basil
Over on a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s Peculiar People Day. Remember peculiar often just means “not like you.” Different isn’t bad. Strange isn’t scary. And your abnormal is someone else’s normal. It’s all good! Thank goodness for diversity! This day is a celebration of everyone!
Happy birthday wishes for Rod Stewart (1945), Pat Benatar (1953), Ray Bolger (1904), Jim Croce (1943), Sal Mineo (1939), and in case you thought one had to have a 3-letter name we shake it up with Frank Sinatra (1944) and Willie McCovey (1938). I thought Sal was quite a cutie. When I was a young teen he was performing in S.F. in a play where he appeared on stage without any clothing from the waist down. I wanted to go. My mom, on the other hand, did not want me to go. And then, dang if he didn’t get murdered shortly thereafter! I never got to see him, either with or without his pants.
On this day in history, in 1971, Masterpiece Theatre premiered on PBS with host Alistair Cooke. The introduction drama series was “The First Churchills.” Isn’t it lovely that 45 years later we are all a titter about this week’s airing of the first episode of season 6 of Downton Abbey. The people behind Masterpiece Theatre really got it right!
BTW, the Smileys on a month full of Smiley Silliness are all different than the ones you see in the Daily Smiley.