October 2
Farm Animals’ Day
Support, demand, and
work for the humane
treatment of Farm Animals.
Speak for those
who cannot speak.
~ Ruth Kaiser
Seems appropriate that Farm Animals’ Day coinciding with National Day Of Nonviolence Day. I vote for no violence to animals as well as people. All living creatures want to live without pain, suffering, or fear.
And speaking of non-violence, 53 years ago today, in 1963, Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream speech.” Want to know something silly. Just now typing fast, with the help of auto-correct, made “I have a dream speech.” into: “I have a cream spinach.” And then I noticed that it is Spinach Month. Funny auto correct, funny coincidence.
I wonder if Dr. King chose this day for his speech because it was Gandhi‘s birthday (1869). I also wonder which, King‘s speech or Gandhi‘s birthday, prompted the holiday namers to name this day Non-Violence Day. And by the way, who are the holiday namers?
Quite a few more birthdays for today: Groucho Marx (1890), Bud Abbott (1895), Sting (1951), and Annie Liebovitz (1949). Whoa that’s a lot of creativity for one day. I’d love to dine with them all, but if I had to choose just one . . . well I have had a crush on Sting for a very long time. Perhaps a persimmon pie in leu of cake. since it’s Persimmon Appreciation Day .
Happy Techies’ Day! I know a few techies, and they are wonderful, everyone of them. My favorite techie is, of course, the one I gave birth to. So nice to have an in-house IT guy! Thanks, Lyle.
Over on the October calendar of a month full of Smiley Silliness it’s both the start of You Matter Week and World Smile Day. So get out there and spread some smiles around. Smile at a stranger (they matter) and I bet they smile back. Smiling back is almost impossible to control. We form a mimicking smile in about 1/300th of a second!